Independent Coed Day School in Charleston, SC. Grades 1-12


Personal sacrifice and vision inspiring others to give

The Reverend Doctor Anthony Toomer Porter, as he knelt at the grave of his son in Magnolia Cemetery, committed to “educate other people’s children” by building a school in October 1867.  Within six weeks, he opened the Orphan Home and School Association of the Church of the Holy Communion, which later became Porter Military Academy. Reverend Porter's personal sacrifice and vision inspired others to give, thus, setting in motion a philanthropic ethic that has continued throughout our history.

"Bless all who have contributed to its support, and raise up for it a continuous number of benefactors, through whose aid it may ever flourish."

The Reverend Doctor Anthony Toomer Porter from The Porter Prayer


Over the past 150 years, Porter-Gaud School has grown to become one of the Southeast's leading independent schools.

Philanthropy has played a significant role in the development of our campus and the growth of our dynamic student experience. Generous contributions from parents, alumni, grandparents, past parents, and friends who believe in the power of a Porter-Gaud education have helped to create and sustain our unique and vibrant learning community. 


Ways to Give