O'QUINN schools
Our Curriculum
The O'Quinn Schools have developed a curriculum that is developmentally appropriate and diverse. We believe it is never too early to challenge students and awaken curiosity. At the early ages, we use play to teach students and fun to engage them in the learning process. As they get older, the activities become more academic as we prepare them for transition into first grade programs.
Our Program
Our two’s program is based on the fundamental principle that children learn through play. Every month, our teachers use themes to guide age-appropriate and fun activities for free play, circle time, and group projects that promote social, cognitive, physical, and emotional growth. Children are gaining skills to understand the world around them while enjoying stories, art, music, nature, and friendships. As the year progresses, independence blooms!
The three’s curriculum focuses on a child’s personal and social development. Children move from parallel play in the beginning of the year to cooperative play during both free play and structured center activities.
Activities help promote positive self-esteem and independence. Children are also exposed to age-appropriate circle time lessons and activities which encourage cognitive and motor development. Some areas focused on include colors, shapes, letters, and numbers.
The curriculum is designed around monthly thematic units which incorporates a multisensory and hands-on approach to reach all children.
Our 4K program encompasses the development of each child’s social/emotional skills, school readiness, and fine motor strength while building a strong foundation of pre-reading and math concepts.
Our Heggerty Phonics curriculum along with the Handwriting without Tears program focuses on letter, sound and syllable identification. The Mathodology curriculum builds basic number sense through hands-on activities and games.
A typical day includes circle time, center time, story time, math, and recess as well as weekly special area classes of French, Spanish, Music and Physical Education.
Four's Discovery Program
Our four’s program also offers a Discovery curriculum which is an extension to the 4K school day. This is the ultimate virtual field trip around the world. Students are introduced to different countries on all seven continents while exploring the differences and similarities of language and culture of children across the globe.
Along the way, students keep journals and "suitcases" of their travels. Discovery integrates social awareness of the cultures and people from around the world through reading, writing, math, large and small motor activities, science experiments, art projects, dramatic play and cooking activities.
The O’Quinn Kindergarten offers students an opportunity to develop strong social and emotional connections while learning to read, write and apply math concepts. The kindergarten classrooms at O’Quinn are using the latest, data informed, highly successful curriculum that includes Fountas and Pinnell Reading, Institute of Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE) Orton Gillingham Phonics, and Eureka Math.
Our hands-on, collaborative, multi modality curriculum including Science and Social Studies units give students time to explore their ideas, form critical thinking skills, utilize a wide selection of learning tools, and develop their interpersonal relationships through project-based learning.
Children at O’Quinn participate in Spanish, French, Physical Education and Music weekly and have two opportunities each day for outdoor free play. Our kindergarten program is able to provide students with the environment, instruction, and care for educational success and positive learning experiences.
Character Development
The O’Quinn School implements an age appropriate, monthly virtues program as part of the daily preschool routine. These virtues include: friendliness, trustworthiness, respect, compassion, cooperation, responsibility, patience, excellence, and perseverance. Monthly pep rallies, skits, parades and games help the children to understand each virtue.