On Saturday, March 8, 2025, The Office of Community Engagement and Belonging at Porter-Gaud School and the Office of Student Affairs at Ashley Hall will host the second annual Student Leadership Summit on Belonging in South Carolina. The Summit on Belonging is a place where a diverse group of 8th-12th grade students can come together to build community, gain knowledge, and develop servant leadership skills to enhance the sense of belonging at their schools. A sense of belonging is defined as “the feeling that we are part of a larger group that values, respects, and cares for us - and to which we feel we have something to contribute” (Cohen, 2022).
With a combination of a keynote, reflection, and workshops, participants will feel empowered to design effective strategies to further build a positive and inclusive culture at their schools.
The Belonging Summit can hold a maximum of 80 participants, with up to 10 students from each school. There is a cost of $100 per school, regardless of the number of registered students. *Note: If you would like to register more than 10 students, please email Terra Burke at tburke@portergaud.edu.
Keynote Speaker