

Weekly Updates


It's been a short yet productive week in the Middle School! 

Life 101

This week, Ms. Boeschen, Porter-Gaud’s Dean of Wellness and Upper School Counselor, led an assembly focused on performing acts of kindness and digging deeper into how we can live the values of our WATCH prayer, which is said at all of our weekly Chapel services: 

May our Words be full of truth and kindness, our Actions gracious and honorable, our Thoughts unselfish and charitable, our Character noble and upright, and our Habits virtuous, that our school family may grow in faith, honor, and knowledge, as we watch together in all things. - Amen.

HBCU Breakfast Celebration
The Office of Community Engagement and Belonging and the Office of College Counseling will host a breakfast event to celebrate National Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Week on Wednesday, September 11. Click here to learn more and RSVP. All are invited! 

Middle School Service Program
All Middle School students are invited to participate in the off-campus service opportunities that will occur throughout the year. There will be signup links for each event as many of the organizations only allow a certain number of volunteers. In addition, some organizations have age limits, like the Ronald McDonald House, so please pay attention to these details when signing up. Below you will find information about upcoming events. This information is also found in the Resources section on MyPG. Mark your calendars to join us!

Upcoming Off-Campus Opportunities Sponsored by PG

  • September 21: Beach Sweep River Sweep, Melton Peter Demetre Park, 640 Wampler Drive, James Island. 5th-7th grades 9-10 a.m., 8th grade 9:00-11:00.  Sign-up HERE .
  • September 29: 8th graders only - Ronald McDonald House, 1 Gadsden St, Charleston, SC 29401 8:30-10 a.m.
  • November 16: Charleston Parks Conservancy, Magnolia Community Garden, 9-11 a.m.

Upcoming Off-Campus Opportunities Not Sponsored by PG
These events are not chaperoned by Mrs. Clair or Mrs. Flynn. Any 8th graders participating would need to complete the Middle School Service hour form

On-Campus Service Opportunities
Students may join the Service Program each quarter. Our focus is on maintaining the Middle School garden and handling recycling for all Middle School classrooms. We also assist teachers and administrators as needed with special projects. Mrs. Clair will send a Google Form to sign up for the 5th/6th service program, and Mrs. Flynn will send a Google Form for the 7th/8th service program.

Winterim Update

Thank you to everyone for completing the Winterim Choice form. We will send a communication in the next few days regarding Winterim assignments, including which experiences reached their capacity and which ones did not have enough interest to run.

Reminder: Handbook Acknowledgement Forms Due Tomorrow
Each student and one parent or guardian must sign an acknowledgment form after reading the Middle School Student-Parent/Guardian Handbook by Friday, September 6. Parents and guardians can access the form by logging into MyPG and clicking on the yellow banner at the top of the page.

Grandparent Mailings
If your child has a grandparent who would like to receive invitations, mailings, and updates from Porter-Gaud, please click here to add them to our mailing list.

From Our Chaplains
Click here to read reflections from our chaplains, access recommended resources, and request prayer. 

From the PGPA

Dining Update

To access menus and learn more about Taher’s Dining Services, please click the links below. You can also follow Taher on Instagram (@taherpgdining).