Celebrating independence, grace, & curiosity
Upper School represents a defining period in our students’ lives.
Having successfully navigated the academic and time management challenges of the Middle School, students intensify their studies and co-curricular activities in preparation for finding the best fit for college.
Great Expectations
A rigorous academic program is delivered by passionate, professional educators, who incorporate critical-thinking, analytical, and problem-solving skills into daily lessons and discussions.
College admission orientation begins in ninth grade, and by their junior year, students meet individually with college counselors and advisors to build the best fit for the next phase of their journey. As graduation approaches, students mature into confident, capable young adults with lifelong friendships, impressive academic footings, and solid foundations of social, emotional, spiritual and intellectual health. Our students leave aware of their gifts and talents and are passionate about sharing them with the world.
Download the Upper School Course Guide
Words Matter
Our students’ experience from the Middle School to the Upper School are aligned, very much, in terms of their reading and writing. Beginning in the fifth grade, every student submits at least eight formal essays per year with drafts, so we pride ourselves on forging excellent writers through diligence, repetition, and effort for their entire careers.
We believe that the “classics” will never go out of style in helping to forge our students’ identities as thoughtful, soulful human beings. We believe that “great” literature will always provide our students with equipment for living, to paraphrase the great modernist poet Wallace Stevens. And so our all of our sixth graders read A Midsummer Night’s Dream for the same reason that all of our seniors read Hamlet: because in Shakespeare we find ourselves.
Featured Experiences |
Collaboratively Solving Problems
We strive to lead students in their development of a solid foundation in the mathematical concepts and critical thinking skills that will make them 21st century problem-solvers and innovators. Our students are not only building the foundation related to content but they are also building the skills needed for students to be successful independent learners of math.
Teachers of all grade levels strive to put students in situations where they have the opportunity to hone their problem solving and critical thinking skills. These opportunities are scaffolded by grade level and course. The guiding principles of every lesson are driven by the mission of the school and vision of the Porter-Gaud graduate.
Featured Math Programs and Experiences |
Fostering an Understanding and Appreciation for the Natural World
One of the most important things in life is to never stop questioning. Understanding how the world works, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest features of space, leads our students to a deeper appreciation for our place in the universe. The faculty and science curriculum at Porter-Gaud strive to develop learners who will leave our classrooms continuing to question and learn about the world around them.
Featured Experiences |
Context for our Modern World
The History Department places a greater emphasis on thematic history and the interrelationship of events over “memorization of facts,” challenging students to focus more on the “how” and “why,” rather than the “names” and “dates.”
The department also emphasizes the instructional goal of empowering students to personalize history while appreciating the achievements and sacrifices of those who came before them. History, ultimately, is a complicated story that requires critical analysis to comprehend, and our goal is to guide students through this complex narrative in order to be more prepared to make educated decisions in a diverse and shifting world that has been forged by decisions and developments of the past.
Our students will become leaders in this world, and they will have the tools necessary to manage and understand their role within it through their coursework here at Porter-Gaud.
Featured Experiences |
Computer Science
Innovate to Create
Our four-year Computer Science (CS) program in the Upper School is the only one of its kind in the state. It is designed to attract, recruit, and engage students in the world of computer science.
The 360° approach empowers students to explore and learn not only the programming behind a technology or topic, but also study the job market, ethics, current events, related technologies, and real-world application. Computer science is a required course for ninth grade. The accelerated program is selective for 10th-12th grades.
Featured Experiences |
The Fine Arts Department offers students a variety of courses throughout the year to prepare them for a career in the arts, an appreciation of the arts or even an opportunity to explore something out of their comfort zone.
Students are able to create a path for themselves through music, drama, dance or visual art that will enable them to cultivate a better understanding of their aspirations.
They will gain their voice in 10th grade Public Speaking class, embark upon a musical journey in choir, jazz band or music theory and explore their artistic creativity with different mediums in the art studio. There are more opportunities for students interested in drama, music and dance to further their interest in performance, technical theatre or stage crew.
Please see the Fine Arts page for a photo and video gallery of last years performances.
World Languages
On the Path to Proficiency
Becoming proficient in another language and learning about other cultures is vital in today’s global community and the Porter-Gaud World Language program. Our curriculum provides students with the opportunity to participate in a multilingual and multicultural environment and to learn to connect and communicate with speakers of other languages. In addition to working toward acquiring the languages, students will be introduced to the practices and perspectives of these global cultures.
In all languages - Spanish, French, Latin, and Mandarin Chinese - our department faculty utilize engaging resources including developmentally appropriate content, rich stories, authentic texts, computer applications and audio and video resources to facilitate learning to communicate, interpret the language and bring the targeted cultures to life.
Featured Programs and Student Experiences |
Religion and Philosophy
Questions and Persuits of Ultimate Concern
The Religion & Philosophy Department exists to serve the mission of Porter-Gaud School by educating students on the questions and pursuits of ultimate concern, including what are the ingredients to a good life, why is there something rather than nothing, and what to do with pain and suffering.
Consistent with the standards of Episcopal education, our aim is neither indoctrination nor catechesis. Rather, we seek to create space for students to humbly, critically, and comparatively explore the various responses to questions offered by the major religions and philosophies of the world.
This exploration takes the form of analytical reading, creative and argumentative writing, seminar-style discussions, and formal debate within an environment of open-mindedness, empathy, and respect. For our department, success looks like students who better understand their world, their neighbors, and themselves.
Current Upper School Offerings |
Physical Education
The Porter-Gaud Physical Education program is designed to develop each student’s physical, emotional, and social growth. Physical Education in Upper School is focused on continuing to build on the knowledge and understanding of health-related physical fitness through exercise and organized game play. Students will learn through team games the importance of working together for a common goal, being great teammates and displaying great sportmanship.
The curriculum strives to promote students’ self-confidence by cultivating a positive environment through sports activities as well as building on their base knowledge of fitness that the students can carry with them throughout their lives.
Featured Programs

The advisory program is designed to ensure that each Porter-Gaud student has the necessary support to take advantage of the many opportunities for growth and development here at Porter-Gaud.
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A student’s faculty advisor can become a guide, friend, and advocate throughout his or her Upper School career. Advisors are often called upon to help the student with academic counseling, personal adjustment, and behavior concerns that the student may have. |

9th Grade Experience
Throughout the year, faculty and staff meet with 9th graders during rotating study hall blocks to provide year-long support to students as they transition to life in the Upper School.
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Topics cover everything from effective study habits, multicultural awareness and best practices for technology to community service and mental and emotional wellbeing. College counseling begins here, with guided strengths assessments and goal setting practices to encourage our students to think about the big picture and make the most of their time at Porter-Gaud. |

PG Engage
Over the course of four years in the Upper School, PG Engage connects our students’ classroom experiences with the Charleston community to help them become well-rounded community members by attending various events in Charleston and reflecting on them over the course of their Upper School career.
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Students will earn three credits per year across three specific categories unique to each grade level. Each Upper School 9th grader will participate in cultural activities anchored in the Charleston community that introduces them to the varied Cultural, Speaker, and Citizenship opportunities in the Lowcountry. Our 10th graders earn three credits by choosing one approved event in each of the three categories: Perspective and Communication, Nature and Environment, as well as Health and Mindfulness, or by choosing an activity from an approved activity matrix that corresponds to each category. By the 11th grade, students complete three credits by choosing and following one issue theme of their interest that has local, national, and global implications. Themes include working toward sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurship, eliminating poverty, ethics in athletics, and many others. Our students then engage with that theme as a local issue by attending a related event in Charleston or investigating a community group doing work on that theme. Students then look at that theme within a national context and connect them globally to see what larger impact Charleston has on these issues around the world and what impact the world has on Charleston. At the end of the year, our students synthesize what they have investigated across the local, national, and global areas and share it with their Advisory members.In their senior year, the students create an advocacy campaign to raise awareness of their issue and present possible solutions for it to the wider school community. |

Community Engagement and Belonging
Porter-Gaud is committed to creating an inclusive and equitable community in which all individuals can contribute to school life and develop a sense of belonging (feeling safe, appreciated, supported, and accepted as a beloved member of the community).
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To further this commitment, the Office of Community Engagement and Belonging (CEB) offers lessons in the 9th Grade Experience program and advisory. The 9th Grade Experience includes lessons on honoring human dignity, building on strengths for resilience, perspective-taking, calling in culture, and supporting others. The Advisory Program includes lessons on kindness, mental health, and celebratory heritage months (i.e., Hispanic Heritage Month, Black History Month, and Women’s History Month). The CEB office also oversees the Bystander Intervention Training to equip students with strategies to safely intervene for themselves and others in situations of harassment and bullying. |

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