Lower School Updates


Weekly Updates


Our students had a blast cheering on our Lower School faculty and staff who played in the annual Student-Faculty basketball game on Monday! 

Below are important updates and key information for the weeks ahead. 

Arriving Early to Avoid Tardiness
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we all adjust to the new traffic patterns and ongoing construction near the Chapel. We know that these changes have impacted morning routines, and we truly appreciate your efforts in getting your students to school on time.

As we continue to navigate this transition, we kindly ask that families aim to arrive a few minutes earlier to help ensure all students are in their classrooms and ready to start the day by 7:50 a.m. We prefer students to arrive by 7:30 a.m., allowing them ample time to prepare for the school day, which begins promptly at 7:50 a.m. Between 7:30 and 7:50 a.m. students are busy with morning routines and classwork. Thank you for your cooperation and partnership.

Lost Clothing – Help Us Help You!
We continue to face a significant challenge with lost and unclaimed clothing. To help us return items quickly, please write your child’s name on all outerwear. Our team works diligently to encourage responsibility, yet we still find an overwhelming number of misplaced items across campus.

💡 Labeled items are always returned to their owners!

All other unclaimed clothing is currently placed on the table outside the Lower School office. We encourage you to check for any missing belongings at your earliest convenience. A simple name label can make all the difference—thank you for your help!

Conference Day - Thursday, March 26

  • Grades 1-3
    • Parents and caregivers will meet with homeroom teachers during our spring conference day. During these conferences, homeroom teachers will discuss general progress as well as writing and social studies. Because these areas will be discussed in person, homeroom comments will not be included on the report cards. In all content areas for which you do not conference, comments will be included on the report card. If, after you see your child’s report card, you have any questions, please reach out to the teacher in the specific content area for whom you have questions.
  • Grade 4
    • In grade four, the spring conferences are student-led. Parents and guardians will meet with the homeroom teacher and their child to hear about progress. Comments will only appear on the report card for special content areas.

Please sign up for your conferences by Monday, March 24. Click here for instructions and additional information.

Easter Egg Hunts - Thursday, April 17

We invite all Lower School families to join us for our Easter Egg hunts on Thursday, April 17.  Students are welcome to wear festive spring attire and should bring a basket or container to school. Here are the times and locations: 

  • 1st Grade - The Green at 1:20 p.m.
  • 2nd Grade - Headmaster’s House (with yard games) at 8:30 a.m.
  • 3rd Grade - Playground at 2 p.m.
  • 4th Grade - Headmaster’s House at 12 p.m.

More information will be shared in the coming weeks by our amazing PGPA grade-level representatives.  

Parenting Tip of the Week: Play With Your Children
Play with your children. Let them choose the activity, and don't worry about rules. Just go with the flow and have fun. That's the name of the game. 

French Toast Uniform Sale
On March 20 and 21, our uniform vendor, French Toast, is offering 30% off uniform items and free shipping on orders of $99 or more. Click here to shop

Dining Update from Taher
We invite you to follow Taher on Instagram (@taherpgdining) to see the latest offerings in Washington Hall and email dining@portergaud.edu with any questions or feedback. To access daily menus, please click here

From Our Chaplains
Click here to read reflections from our chaplains, access recommended resources, and request prayer. 

From the PGPA

  • Spring Party tickets are on sale! The PGPA invites all parents and caregivers to enjoy an evening of recreation, competition, and entertainment featuring pickleball, kickball, music, food trucks, and more on Saturday, March 22 at 4 p.m. Click here to purchase your ticket.
  • Spring Concessions: The spring sports season is in full swing and we need your help! Please click here to sign up for shifts and support our Cyclone sports teams.
  • PGPA Virtual Pop-Up Sale: Stock up on your Cyclone gear at this Virtual Pop-Up Sale! Click here for details on how to shop
  • PGPA Faith: All parents and caregivers are invited to meet Lowcountry FCA staff member, Johnathan Game on Tuesday, April 15, from 8:30-9 a.m. in Washington Hall. This will be an opportunity to learn about Lowcountry FCA, a student-led club in the MS and US, and how to get involved.

Important Dates 

  • March 22: PGPA Spring Party at 4 p.m., John Singleton Stadium
  • March 26: Conference Day
  • March 31 - April 4: Spring Break
  • April 18: Good Friday - School Closed
  • April 21: Easter Monday - School Closed
  • April 27: Spring Arts Festival
  • May 26: Memorial Day - School Closed
  • May 30: Last Day of School